ICETAS 2023 invite researchers, academics, and professionals to submit their poster proposals related to the theme “Shaping the future of ..” The poster session is an opportunity for presenters to showcase their research or work in a visual and interactive format. Poster presenters will have the chance to discuss their findings and engage in conversation with attendees.
Authors are kindly invited to submit their poster papers as per the schedule below.
Authors are kindly invited to submit their poster papers as per the schedule below.
Important Dates__
- Start of Submission: 24 April 2023
- Abstract Submission: 30 June 2023
- Full Paper Submission: 15 July 2023
- Earlybird Registration: 1 August 2023
- Regular Registration: 15 August 2023
- Camera Ready Submission: 1 September 2023
- Conference Dates: 25-27 October 2023
Poster Submission Guidelines__
Authors are required to submit a poster paper. Poster papers should be a minimum of five pages, clearly describing the research questions addressed and their contribution to the research community.
The format for the poster paper should be as follows:
All submissions should be anonymized and will be reviewed by an international panel of experts.
The format for the poster paper should be as follows:
- Statement of Topic: A short title
- Abstract (Description): The abstract is a short description of your poster.
- Purpose — What was the intent or goal of the study? What did you want to learn?
- Background/Significance — What was the problem and why was it important? What knowledge are you building on?
- Method — What was the design? What was the sample? What instruments were used? How was data collected and analyzed?
- Results — What were the findings?
- Conclusions — What do the findings mean?
All submissions should be anonymized and will be reviewed by an international panel of experts.
We encourage attendees to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the latest research and advancements in the field. we look forward to seeing you there!
Best Poster Awards
Best Poster Awards
2023 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS) provides best poster awards presented at the conference. The selection of the best poster is evaluated on the basis reviewer and session chairs evaluation. The awards are announced and bestowed during the conference closing session.
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